The Lead Up To Our Motorcycle Adventure
Ep 0 | Prepping for a Big Lap of Australia
This video shows the build up to our motorcycle trip around Australia, it was filmed in the months prior to us leaving Sydney in April 2021. The vlog is out of order and includes a lot of practice footage that we didn't plan on using, but after seeing it again recently we wanted to include it as part of our story.
The plan for our trip around Australia has gone through a lot of changes since we came up with the idea in July 2020, starting as a bicycle trip before becoming part bicycle, part 4wd, train and bus, until we stumbled onto the idea of moto adventure touring and the rest is history!
Tina booked in for her motorbike Ls and we both got hooked on watching moto vloggers like c90adventures, M$B and itchy boots for inspiration, the latter giving us the idea to look into Royal Enfield Himalayans which led us to Arnie and Franco 🙂
After picking up the boys we got to work converting them into adventure machines! Fitting them with rear and side racks, panniers, top boxes, crash bars, bark busters, jerry cans and quad locks. We only got some of the fit out on video, it didn't always go as smoothly as we'd like, but we got there in the end.
Then there was the pack up of our apartment into storage and the packing of everything for the trip onto the bikes, or as we liked to call it - the dreaded pack 😂. It was a long, difficult process, and a lot of hard decisions had to be made.
Finally the day we'd been planning for so long had arrived, so we went for our last morning walk around North Sydney to say goodbye to the place, hopped on our bikes and rode off together in search of adventure!
Filmed July 2020 - April 2021