Our Toughest Day in Cape York - The Hard Part Wasn't Over
Ep 23 | Motorcycle Adventure Travel Australia
We'd just completed the long hard slog up the Cape York Peninsula to The Tip of Australia, and had stopped to celebrate and enjoy the view while we let the moment sink in, the hard part was over, or so we thought...
On our way back we decided to stop by Punsand Bay just next door to check out a resort recommended by other travellers, so we punched the address into Google Maps and away we went, completely unaware it was taking us there via the Roma Flat track, a more challenging piece of terrain than we'd ever attempted, bloody Google!
It wasn't long before we started running into trouble and realised this wasn't like anything we'd ridden before, we had multiple tumbles in deep soft sand, one bike had to be pulled out of the mud of a creek crossing by hand after getting completely bogged, and we were feeling exhausted and dehydrated from the unexpected amount of time and effort being spent. Sometimes it felt like we'd been transported into an episode of the Million Dollar Bogan 😂
We finally rolled into Punsand Bay about 3 hours after we'd left The Tip, a trip that Google said would take only 29 minutes! So much for a relaxing afternoon, that was some hard yakka! ...maybe it was The Cape giving us one last souvenir to remember her by.
Filmed August 2021