Cairns to Wallaman Falls Moto Camp on Our Big Lap of Oz
Ep 27 | Adventure Travel Australia
And the adventure begins! Again!!
Our two month stint in Cairns was finished and the time had come to start our journey south on our big lap of Oz. We loaded up the bikes and said goodbye to our new friend Tim, a fellow traveller and newbie motovlogger who happened to be staying in the same hostel as us. Subscribe to TimOnTwo at
Riding south from Cairns, our first stop was Babinda Boulders swimming hole for a refreshing dip and a bite to eat. Next we picked up some firewood in Ingham, and as usual we were running behind schedule so we hurried to get back on the road to Wallaman Falls to get there before dark. After 11km Tina realised we'd forgotten to get fuel in Ingham! We had to go all the way back again to fill up. The schedule had been destroyed.
When we finally made it to Wallaman Falls there was just enough daylight left to get the tent setup, but not to cook. It was a romantic dinner of pork chops and wine by headlamp light to wrap up our first day back on the road.
Thanks for watching!
Filmed October 2021