Cape York by Motorcycle - Cooktown to Musgrave Station via Lakefield
Ep 20 | Adventure Travel Australia
Today was another big day of overland travel on the motorbikes as we continued our journey up to Cape York. The 277km ride from Cooktown to Musgrave Station through Lakefield National Park was one of the toughest we've experienced yet, we thought we knew what corrugated road felt like before but we really got a taste of it today! The first part of the day we rode the motorbikes to Old Laura Homestead in Lakefield and stopped for a short break to stretch the legs and have a bite to eat, the track was challenging so far with creek crossings, tricky dirt sections and enough corrugation to snap the metal bracket holding Tina's P plate on! ...but we were still full of beans and excited about the rest of the ride to Musgrave.
The second half of the day was filled with A LOT more corrugation, Jason had a small crash when he hit a patch of soft sand but no damage was done thankfully. The dirt road to Musgrave Station was a lot slower going than we'd anticipated and we realised we wouldn't be arriving until after dark even though we'd been on the road since 8am! The concentration and effort of riding so many hours had completely zapped our energy and we felt like we were running on fumes, eventually we limped into Musgrave station doing about 30km/hr to avoid hitting kangaroos in the pitch black of night, we both felt extremely relieved to be out of the saddle after 11 hours of off-road riding 😌😌
Tomorrow we'll continue our adventure up the Cape York Peninsula to The Tip of Australia!
Filmed August 2021